Wildlife Control Calgary, Airdrie and area

The Pest Control Guy Wildlife Control Division

Wildlife Control in Calgary, Airdrie & Area

Birds in Vents

Birds nesting on your property can be enjoyable because of their chirping and their lively nature. Unfortunately sometimes they decide to make nests where they aren’t welcome anymore. In vents is one of those situations where you might not like them nesting in and you are correct to not like them. Hearing chirping from your stove fans, or having some unpleasant smells is something you definitely want to have taken care of. Not to mention that those nests are fire hazards. Our qualified technicians are trained to remove nests that have been formed in vents, no matter how big or small they may be. We let the birds relocate, then we remove the nest with different types of tools depending on how the vent is built. We then spray a disinfectant to get rid of bird mites, and disinfect feces residue. Lastly we install a cover that goes over top of your vent to prevent future birds or rodents from making your vents their home.
bird in a vent

Animal Trapping

For all the animals that bug and pester you, Calgary Pest Control Guy is here for you. We’re talking skunks, porcupines, raccoons, squirrels, pigeons, you name it. Humane trapping is a question that we get often and we couldn’t agree more. Our trapping does not harm the animals as we have traps tailored for all the different types of creatures. It’s not a one size fits all kind of deal. We also have technicians on call at all times to make sure that we can pick up the animal as soon as possible after being trapped.
Skunk Removal Calgary

Skunk Trapping

Skunks are undeniably the cutest pests around. The problem with those stripped creatures is that they smell terrible, and they can really put a damper on your day when they end up spraying your dog or even you as you’re coming home from work. They can also destroy your yard because of their impressive digging skills. We offer humane trapping where we relocate your stinky bugger at least 25 kilometres away. Our traps are made with PVC where you can’t see the skunk and the skunk also can’t see you. This is to reduce the chances of them spraying during transport to their new home. We also offer the installation of skunk barriers to prevent more skunks from ever burrowing under your decks, porches, or any other spots where they have to dig. Fun fact, skunks like to feed on mice and bugs so if you have a skunk roaming and burrowing in your yard it most likely means that you have a problem somewhere.

Pocket Gopher Trapping

Do you have mounds of dirt in your yard or losing your vegetation in your garden and wonder what it is? Look no further, you most likely have pocket gophers moving in. Pocket gophers are different then gophers. Pocket gophers tend to dig tunnels and cover their holes as they don’t like light. They can even eat your plants and flowers from underneath. What we do is we find the mound, locate the hole and put a trap in the hole. Why our traps are effective is because they let light in the hole so it entices the creature to cover the hole so that the light won’t disturb it and that’s how they get trapped.
gopher problem

Wildlife Control Services

Serving the local Calgary, Alberta area and surrounding area!

Pigeons on the roof

Pigeons are a very common type of bird in Alberta and can be recognized by their distinct cooing sound. Pigeons are nesters and they like to make nests where their nests are sheltered from wind, cold and rain. This means that a popular place for them to stay are roofs; under overhangs, by eavestroughs, etc. They can also be found in grain bins or on other structures. The downside of having pigeons is that their excrements are very acidic and can ruin roofs over a rapid period of time. Not to mention that their cooing can be bothersome also. The way we deal with nesting pigeons is by removing their nest, and installing some bird spikes to prevent them from coming back. We also offer the installation of shock strips, netting and bird slides for all the different situations we might encounter while helping you to get rid of those pesky pigeons. Prices can be obtained by estimate only.

Squirrels in the attic.

Having squirrels in your attic can cause problems to your house in more ways than you might realize. Squirrels in the attic means that there is an opening on your roof that leads to your attic, that can cause leaks, moisture and mold. Squirrels will tend to chew on your insulation and your electrical and could cost you a hefty bill to have everything replaced. They can also be very loud while you’re trying to enjoy your house. What we do to resolve the squirrel problem is go on the roof, find the entry point(s) and install a one way door to let the squirrel leave but then it won’t be able to get back in.
Pest Control Cochrane
Common entry for squirrels.
Once the squirrel has evacuated, we remove the one way door and block off the entry point(s) with hardware to prevent further animals from going in the attic.
pest control companies calgary